Happy Employees Can Increase Profits…and Value
18 Nov Happy Employees Can Increase Profits…and Value
Posted at 02:22h in Uncategorized by bbpadmin
Happy employees mean happy customers and clients. An unhappy employee can mean loss of business or worse. How does a business owner create happy and contented employees? It all starts with the hiring process – hiring positive people to start with certainly helps. Offering as many benefits as your business can afford is also a plus.
However, one... Continue Reading →

Take a Look at Your Lease
If your business is not location-sensitive, that is, if your business location is immaterial to its success, then the following may not be important. However, lease information is usually helpful no matter what the situation. The business owner whose business is very dependent on its current location should certainly read on.
If your business is location-sensitive, which is almost always true for a restaurant, a retail operation, or, in fact,... Continue Reading →

Rating Today’s Business Buyers
04 Nov Rating Today’s Business Buyers
Posted at 04:36h in Uncategorized by bbpadmin
Once the decision to sell has been made, the business owner should be aware of the variety of possible business buyers. Just as small business itself has become more sophisticated, the people interested in buying them have also become more divergent and complex. The following are some of today’s most active categories of business buyers:
Family Members
Members... Continue Reading →

A Buyer’s Quandary
21 Oct A Buyer’s Quandary
Posted at 20:24h in Buyer Articles by bbpadmin
Statistics reveal that out of about 15 would-be business buyers, only one will actually buy a business. It is important that potential sellers be knowledgeable on what buyers go through to actually become business owners. This is especially true for those who have started their own business or have forgotten what they went thorough prior to buying their business.
If a... Continue Reading →

Why Your Company Needs a Physical
07 Oct Why Your Company Needs a Physical
Posted at 02:46h in Uncategorized by bbpadmin
Many executives of both public and private firms get a physical check-up once a year. Many of these same executives think nothing of having their investments checked over at least once a year – probably more often. Yet, these same prudent executives never consider giving their company an annual physical, unless they are required to by company rules, ESOP... Continue Reading →

Should You Be Selling Your Company…Now?
The answer to the question asked in the title is, “It all depends!” There are all sorts of studies, surveys and the like suggesting that as more and more “baby-boomers” reach retirement age, the market will be flooded with companies for sale. The consensus is that with these privately-held company owners reaching and nearing retirement age, the time to sell is now. In one survey, 57 percent of business owners said that their age was the... Continue Reading →

What Serious Buyers Look For
Jul 06, 2015 | CABB Blog
08 Jul What Serious Buyers Look For
Posted at 15:26h in Uncategorized by bbpadmin
Obviously, serious buyers want to carefully look at the financials of a company under consideration and all of the other major aspects of the company. However, there are a few other areas that the serious buyer will investigate that sellers may overlook.
The Industry – The buyer will want to take a serious look at the industry itself, the customers, the suppliers... Continue Reading →

How Does Your Business Compare?
Jun 24, 2015 | CABB Blog
24 Jun How Does Your Business Compare?
Posted at 11:12h in Uncategorized by bbpadmin
When considering the value of your company, there are basic value drivers. While it is difficult to place a specific value on them, one can take a look and make a “ballpark” judgment on each. How does your company look?
Value Driver
Business Type
Little Demand
Some Demand
High Demand
Business... Continue Reading →

How Does Your Business Compare?
When considering the value of your company, there are basic value drivers. While it is difficult to place a specific value on them, one can take a look and make a “ballpark” judgment on each. How does your company look?
Value DriverLowMediumHigh
Business TypeLittle DemandSome DemandHigh Demand
Business Growth LowSteadyHigh & Steady
Market Share SmallSteady GrowthLarge & Growing
ProfitsUnsteadyConsistentGood & Steady... Continue Reading →

Valuing the Business: Some Difficult Issues
Apr 29, 2015 | Industry News
Business valuations are almost always difficult and often complex. A valuation is also frequently subject to the judgment of the person conducting it. In addition, the person conducting the valuation must assume that the information furnished to him or her is accurate.
Here are some issues that must be considered when arriving at a value for the business:
Product Diversity – Firms with just a single product or service are subject to a much... Continue Reading →